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10 most common questions asked by netizens about Markhors.
Gilgit Baltistan

10 most common questions asked by netizens about Markhors. 

When does a Markhor come near to the range of a hunt?

A Markhor doesn’t move at night so it travels during the day time. Markhors move to the top of the mountain and stay there during the night but when the dawn falls Markhors move to the bottom of the mountains to eat and drink. It is most probably between (4-6) a.m when the Markhors are in the range of hunt. Secondly, Markhors do this movement to the bottom of the mountains twice in a day. When the dusk starts in the winters the clock time would be around (4-6)p.m. This is the time when Markhors are on their second trip to the feet of the mountains.

Does a Markhor eat salajid?

Salajid is locally collected for ailments like back pain and weakening of bones. Whenever a Markhor gets injured it rushes toward the areas where Salajid is in abundance. It is on the account of local people and hunters that Markhor eats Salajid.

Is Markhor Halal or Haram?

It is the most common question asked by netizens that whether Markhor is haram or halal. Markhor is a goat which has not been tamed by our ancestors. It is a mountain goat so it has some vigilancy in its features. Markhors are hunted usually for their meat which is much tastier than domesticated goats’ meat. It is halal and healthier.

What is the English and scientific name of Markhor?

The scientific name of Markhor is Capra Falconeri. It belongs to the family Bovidea and to the order Artiodactyla ( Britannica) .
There are local names given to the Markhor which are particular to the area it belongs.
The other local names of Markhor in the local languages are Reedakh in Balti, Giri in Brushaski, Pachin in Balochi, and Youksh in Wakhi.

What is the meaning of Markhor?

Markhor (مارخور) is a combination of two Persian words (مار) which means snake and (خور) eater. It literally means snake eater, but this isn’t true. This names has been derived from folklore where the Markhor eats snakes. To add on, the horns of Markhor resembles snake so this might be the reason behind its name.

Who owns Markhor?

Markhor is not a property of a single person. It is the national wealth. Countries like Pakistan generate millions of Dollars through trouphy hunting. Moreover, trouphy hunting can’t be condemned as a bloodeid sports for the rich. It has generated funds and jobs for local people and it has helped to elevate the tourism industry. The Markhor is a national wealth but the revenue when generated from trophy hunting, 80 percent of it goes to the locals population and the 20 percent goes to the national treasury. Trophy hunting has been a great help to conserve the population of the Markhors in areas like Chitral and Gilgit Baltistan.

Is hunting of Markhor allowed in Pakistan?

Annually the government of Pakistan auctions the trophy(Markhor) for a hunt. Many foreign and indigenous hunters get permits if they are able to win at the auction. The Markhor which seems to get aged is allowed to be killed in the trophy hunting. As it is now not going to contribute to the reproduction of the Markhors.

Where can I see Markhor?

It depends where you’re going to visit in the mountainous lands of Gilgit Baltistan and chitral. In Chitral Markhor can be seen on roads or very near to the villages where people reside. The number of Markhors in Chitral has increased dramatically in the last few decades. It is told that Markhors in Chitral sometimes climb to the roofs of the houses. But, in the areas like Ghizer/Yasin people seldom see a Markhor coming to the hunt range in the pasture lands. So, if you’re interested to see a Markhor in Yasin, you have to go on an expedition to the high mountains. There are other areas like Kashmir and the famous Kashmiri Markhor dwels on the mountains of Kashmir. The Kashmiri Markhors are very rare that’s why their trophy hunting is also expensive. Furthermore, Astor is also renown for the Astori Markhors which are in abundance.

Why Markhor is in danger?

It is unfortunate that the IUCN( International Union for Conservation of nature) has put Markhor on the red list of near threatened. Moreover, Markhor is a highly valued animal, and it is famous for its horns and skin. There are many way which are posing threats to the survival of Markhors.
The first and foremost is illegal hunting and poaching by the indigenous hunters. If this is not regulated by proper execution of the law soon Markhors will be extincted.
The second threat is climate change, because of climate change the migratory and feeding pattern of Markhors have been
interrupted. The unavailability of food and water might be a nightmare in the coming few years. Additionally, Climate change and illicit human activities have contributed a great deal in habitat loss which is also a red alert for the survival of Markhors.

Why is Markhor important to Pakistan?

Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. It is a rare species which is found in few parts of the subcontinent and in central Asia. Due to its rare presence, it is a valuable asset of the nation. Moreover, because of climate change and irregulated human activities, this precious species has been listed as near threatened by the IUCN. So, to save biodiversity of the mighty mountains it is a lot more necessary to protect Markhors. These creatures are renowned for their beautiful and unique features. Apart from generating million of dollars through trophy hunting, Markhors are part of the habitat we live in. In preserving Markhors we conserve the biodiversity.

What is the cost of Markhor?

Markhor Hunting is allowed through legal means. Annually the government of Pakistan issues permits through auction.
It can cost you few thousand dollars to a couple of million dollars depending on the kind of Markhor to be hunted.

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