Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche was the child of Darwin and the brother of Bismarck. Let’s start constructing some views on a man who...
Thoughts for the soul
Since my childhood, I used to listen from my teachers that there is not always an answer to “why” you...
Status of Indian occupied Kashmir and article 370
The constitutional changes by regime of Modi in august 2019, agitated the Muslims of Kashmir on both sides of line...
Procedure to hunt Pakistan’s national animal GB Markhor
Gilgit-Baltistan is famous all over the world because of its high mountains, almost more then 500 hundred mountains are located...
The Russia- Ukraine Crisis.
In the recent press briefing by the US Press Secretary Jen Psaki and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, held on...
Suicide. Why life is sometimes not worth living?
Suicide is one of the prevalent thing that exists in our society from centuries. Suicide refers to self-destruction in physical...
Parliamentary or Presidential system- A way into the future of Pakistan.
On January 21, 2022, members of the joint opposition brought a serious issue under debate in the National Assembly, regarding...
The Short reflection on Political History of Gilgit Baltistan
Gilgit Baltistan was previously known as the northern area of Pakistan. It is a disputed area between Pakistan and India...
Modernization and westernization(What people don’t know about the basics)
Often we intermingle the two words as synonyms of each other. But it is not like that, modernization is quite...
The hijab controversy- and ( the definition of secularism)
Some days earlier in Karnataka (an Indian state), a new controversy emerged when few female students were not allowed to...
A Cup of Tea
After being frustrated from a long disgusted day , removing the curtains of liability and ceasing the moment to have...
Polo- An introduction to the most sophisticated game.
With the evolution of humans, their way of living has also evolved. Organized sports have been a part of entertainment...
According to a research survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, more than 59% of Pakistanis watch a global sport, mostly...
Challenges for girls of Gilgit Baltistan in sports
Challenges for girl of Gilgit Baltistan in sports The modern era is talking about gender equalities at every spot of...