Sometimes I feel
As silent as the dead sky with no moonOR, like an old eagle to die Very soon Like the sand...
The FUTURE World “_ The year 2550
The year 2550, the nuclear age: the barren soil bears no vegetation, ruined architecture lay exposed, the world is now...
What is love? Is true love a myth?
Khalifa asked Laila,” Are you the same? Due to which, Qais became mad and insane, and wandering around. You are...
Stay away from negative people.
Negative people are the biggest problem in life. If anyone of you wants to spend a satisfying life you must...
The Trouble with Islam today by Irshad Manji
Book Summary This book is one of the most insightful as well as thought-provoking, especially for all Muslims.It is pertinent...
Short History of Gilgit Baltistan
In 1840 Kashmir’s Dogra ruler, Gulab Singh, expanded Sikh rule towards the north and captured the area of Skardu and...
A Cup of Tea
After being frustrated from a long disgusted day , removing the curtains of liability and ceasing the moment to have...
Polo- An introduction to the most sophisticated game.
With the evolution of humans, their way of living has also evolved. Organized sports have been a part of entertainment...
According to a research survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, more than 59% of Pakistanis watch a global sport, mostly...
Challenges for girls of Gilgit Baltistan in sports
Challenges for girl of Gilgit Baltistan in sports The modern era is talking about gender equalities at every spot of...