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Dry fruits of Gilgit -Baltistan
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Dry fruits of Gilgit -Baltistan 

Gilgit Baltistan is known for its dry fruits, in addition to its mesmerizing high mountains, traditional houses, and food. To add on, Gilgit Baltistan is the hub of fruits because of its four seasons. The lands of Gilgit Baltistan are only suitable for harvest once a year. That is why storing food or fruits is part of the lives of people in Gilgit Baltistan. Here is a list of dry fruits and an explanation of their availability as per the season and region of Gilgit Baltistan.

Apples from Gilgit-Baltistan

Gilgit-Baltistan is famous for its versatile apples. Gilgit Baltistan boasts many kinds of apples, including shoot, Dhan, Basuti, Harai, Khama, Faransaisi, and Iskarkh.

Moreover, apples in Gilgit Baltistan have two seasons to ripen. One category of apples matures and is ripe in the summer season in the months of June and July, and the other category of apples is ripe in the autumn season in the month of November. The market rate of apples in Gilgit Baltistan mainly depends on their quality.

Grapes( Kishmish)

Grapes are also found in various regions of Gilgit-Baltistan. But, particularly, some areas of Ghizer district, which include Puniyal and Bubur, are famously known for their grape production. Many other regions of Gilgit Baltistan, mainly Danyore districts, and the areas in its vicinity are also famous for their grapes. The varieties of grapes in Gilgit Baltistan include Gul-e-Ruby, Shireen Gul, and Kishmishi.

The dried form of grapes is kishmish.Drying grapes stores them for long winter seasons and also for selling. Kishmish gives a crunchy feeling when eaten and has many nutritious benefits. Gilgit Baltistan grapes are among the most expensive fruits.

Apricots from Gilgit-Baltistan

Juicy, sweet fruits with a soft texture, apricots have an inner hard part where the seed is stored. In addition, Gilgit Baltistan counts apricots among its most abundant fruits.Their dried form (Fator, Bator) is crispy and delicious in taste. The dried seed or kernel of apricots has a delightful taste.

The seeds of apricots are expensive as compared to the dried apricots themselves. Apricots have a great variety within their species. If apricots are divided into two categories based on the taste of their seeds or kernels, then there would be two. The apricots’ bitter seeds are famous for the extraction of edible oil.

Apricots are found almost everywhere in all regions of Gilgit Baltistan, but Ghizer district, Danyore, and the areas in its neighbour and many regions of Baltistan are well known for their juicy apricots.

Almonds and walnuts

In Gilgit Baltistan, almonds and walnuts are highly admired for their crunchy taste and high nutritional value.They are found in every corner of Gilgit Baltistan. Particularly, almonds and walnuts are found in the Ghizer region and Hunza, and many districts of Baltistan are also famously known for their highly valued almonds and walnuts.

Almonds and walnuts are broadly categorised into two varieties. One is hard-shell almonds and walnuts; the other is soft-shell, or Kaghazi. The soft-shell almonds and walnuts are expensive as compared to the hard shells because the soft (Kaghazi) shells can easily be broken.

Almonds and walnuts are dried to store for long periods of time, and the taste is only better preserved in dried form. Particularly, walnuts are used to prepare local dishes like walnut bread and Makuti (a dessert). The rates of almonds and walnuts when packaged start from a few hundred to a couple of thousand rupees.

Kilao (the hunza chocolate)

Kilao is locally produced in the Ghizer district of Gilgit Baltistan. It is indigenous to the people of Hunza, Puniyal, Bubur, and surrounding areas. It is the most expensive dry fruit of Gilgit Baltistan. To make a fine kilao, you need good-quality walnuts, almonds, and apricot seeds, along with concentrated grape or mulberry juice. Kilao ranks among the most beloved dry fruit snacks in Gilgit Baltistan. The original name, Kilao, has now transformed into Hunza chocolate, which is admired worldwide.

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