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A Cup of Tea
Culture of Gilgit Baltistan

A Cup of Tea 

After being frustrated from a long disgusted day , removing the curtains of liability and ceasing the moment to have a cup of tea. Generally, the whole Pakistani nation can’t endure to stay away from tea even for a few hours, but particularly Gilgitis owe to pay tribute to a cup of tea. From the most furious debates to the soothing talks either they begin with a  cup of tea or end with a cup of tea. Tea is especially a hot drink that is prepared from the intricately collected tea leaves of the Himalaya or the terrains of Bangladesh.

Photo by : Gulan khan

There is a myth behind every momentous invention or discovery. From the Eureka moment of Archimedes to Newton’s falling apple, there exists a lot of myths which are implicitly related to the greatest deciphering of the natural codes of life. 

There is story behind every myth, and how we discovered tea, it also goes to a myth. It is a popular Chinese legend that there was an emperor Shenong, who following a decree was boiling water. It is said that the Chinese were obliged to boil water before drinking. One day the emperor was boiling water, when some leaves from the nearby tree fell into the water, changing the odor and color of the water. After drinking the water, the emperor soon able to discover the magnificent qualities of the fallen leaves into his boiling water.

It is on record that tea was consumed around 3 BC in China. Today tea is the second most-consumed drink after water. In addition to this, in a recent article by BBC, it was estimated that the net worth of tea in the year 2026 would be around 81.6 billion dollars. China has enjoyed a monopoly in tea trading for centuries. The Britishers were the first people to interrupt the monopoly of china in tea trading. The British Colonel rulers introduced the plantation of tea in the subcontinent. It is quite startling that tea bricks in ancient times were used as money.  Historically concluding tea was also a facet in developing and maintaining a society. 

Minimarg Valley

It was a sunny day, but at dusk the winds were blowing with a rhythmic speed, freshening the surrounding. Quietly sitting at a fair distance from the crowded city life of Pakistan and having a cup of tea is more than enough for a person with some insight on philosophy.  While traveling from village to village in Yasin, people usually gather on a charpoy, and they without any waste of time brew some cups of tea to further innovate the talk. It doesn’t matter if a Gilgiti doesn’t eat for a day, but not having a cup of tea is big trouble. We Gilgititis are so addicted to a cup of tea, that if we don’t drink a cup of tea, our heads start throbbing.

In addition to this, the culture of generally Gilgit, but particularly Yasin has adopted this cup of tea to be a part of the whole. From marriages to local traditional ceremonies a cup of tea is always to be served. If by any chance you visit Gilgit don’t forget to have a cup of tea with a loaf of bread. Today in areas like Yasin tea is not only served after meals, but it is represented as a lucrative meal with some chapati or bread. Tea is an auspices part of our culture now, without tea we don’t have a start to our day.

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