Sitting behind an archaic restaurant in a spacious grassy ground, and having a meal with few relatives is stupendous. After a long drive from the city towards my home town was an exhausting experience.
We were accompanied by a young man, his wife, both were glittering. Upon inspection, it was revealed that the young man is now a father of the child. The Hiace was full of passengers, but the main character in the vehicle was the couple with their newborn baby boy. We, as a part of the culture, congratulated the couple for the auspicious new birth.

The driver in a rush parked the Hiace in front of a flower shop, and sharply the young man jump out of the vehicle and walked steadily towards the flower shop. He bought some chaplets of artificial flowers.
Now our Haice was going to the house of the young man, because we have to drop this young couple in front of their house, and then proceed towards our own. On the way to this young man house, our Haice stopped two times, because some relatives of the young man were waiting on the road to congrats him for this baby boy. It was a bewildering moment when I saw a large crowd of people just beside the road. The driver parked the vehicle in front of this huge crowd of cheering people. There were around six men holding guns for the welcome or you may call it salami to this newly born baby boy. They fired, and fired again, and fired for the third time, with a rhythmic speed. There were sounds of congratulations, Everyone was uttering Mubarak, Mubarak, and Mubarak. There were people with bouquets, and this newly born baby boy, who was yet to see the world with his eyes, who was yet to be conscious about the world around him, he was welcomed a thousand and some more times.
The basic human rights are not rocket science.
They are easy to understand but quite difficult to act. A survey of the Thomson Reuters Foundation ranked Pakistan the sixth most dangerous country for women. Let’s again rewind the celebration of a lower-middle-class family for the newly born baby, this is what should be called cultural women’s rights discrimination.

The women of our society, they also need the same recognition which is given to a man of the society. Why the birth of a baby girl is not celebrated? Why is it like so? And we are claiming that we give them every freedom, and privilege to be an honorable part of the whole. Islam considers women a blessing of Allah Almighty, and we Muslims had an objectified woman in the name of Islam.
Women’s rights are human rights, but in our male-dominated society, it is a matter of our fake pride which never lets us to increase the circle of freedom for women. It is about domestic violence, forced marriages, rape, and honor killing which the woman of the country is now demanding to have a sharp end. In my definition, the basic privileges that are given to the male of the society should be given to the woman, and that’s feminism. The Global gender gap index report ranked Pakistan 151 out of 153 countries. In a nutshell, girls just want fundamental human rights.