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A new trend in the Naming Culture of Gilgit-Baltistan
A new trend in the Naming Culture of Gilgit-Baltistan

A new trend in the Naming Culture of Gilgit-Baltistan 

The naming culture of Gilgit Baltistan-Baltistan was similar to the Islamic naming system. But in the current era, where most of the GBians have realized the importance of their own unique cultural identity. The good it can do to them in the long run. The new trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan has seen a tremendous shift to local languages from Arabic and Persian language.

What explains the current naming trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan?

Tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan shaped the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The current naming trend seen in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan is well explained by the realization of having the need of unique cultural identity. Now, a question arises that how the new trend in naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan can benefit the GBians? The answer to this question is quite simple. Most of the tourist’s attraction towards Gilgit-Baltistan is due to its unique culture and heritage. The act of bringing a new trend is the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan is an addition to their unique cultural identity.

The Fear of losing Languages has influenced the naming culture.

The Fear of losing Languages has influenced the naming culture 

Another reason could be the fear of losing languages like Shina, Wakhi, Khawar, Balti and Brushaski. Due, to the fusion of different cultures and the media, local languages of Gilgit-Baltistan are disappearing. As most of the population is concerned about their endangered languages. Hence they have found their way to save the endangered languages by bringing a new trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The need of unique identity has brought the trend in naming culture.

The names in the local languages are very beautiful. They are unique in their own way. Due to the population growth, most of the names are repeatedly used that sound odd and boring. The act of bringing a new trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan will take that oddness and boredom in the names away.

The trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan has brought up some unique names in:

Yasin Valley

The people of Yasin Valley in the Ghizer district-most of its population speaking Brushaski-are quickly adopting the new naming trend. They have brought up some beautiful names like “Jeeba” that becomes a beautiful phrase in English Language “You are my life”. “Asba” meaning “you are my heart” and “Meehasa” translates to ” sun of our home”.

Another dominant name is “Saagari” meaning “Sun Light”. You might have heard of Saa Gari. He is one of the famous folk singers. Eid ALi Shah (Saagari) used it as his title. The local poets and singers are doing their best to save the endangered languages. As a matter of fact, it started with Saa Gari in Yasin Valley and more interesting names yet to be seen.

Hunza Valley

The people in Hunza Valley speaking a similar dialect to the Burushaski spoken in Yasin Valley have also adopted the new trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan. Saahan is a beautiful name in the sweetest language of Hunza. Saahan translates to “house of light”.

Skardu Valley

The Balti speakers in the Baltistan region have also come up with beautiful names. “Odchan” is a name in the Balti language meaning alight. Hence the people of Gilgit-Baltistan have found an ultimate solution to save their endangered languages by bringing a new trend in the naming culture of Gilgit-Baltistan.

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