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An Epoch! Markhor: Hunting a hunter. Part – 1

An Epoch! Markhor: Hunting a hunter. Part – 1 

It was a moonlit night and by midnight we reached the point on the mountain where we were supposed to search for Markhor the next morning. We were advised by an “Old man” Called SUFFIYAN. He was one of the famous Markhor Hunters of the area, Holding the record for most Hunts.

He assured us that we would surely get our hunt there as he had more than 30 years of experience. He further told us that the Markhors belonging to these mountains are furious, if you missed the first chance then you won’t be able to hunt till the next day or maybe more, so surely after reaching the point you will have only one chance.

Photo By Eric Kilby [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Reaching the point was adventurous and full of danger, as getting to this point was not just a matter for every ordinary person, and if anybody succeeded to reach there, his eyes got a  charming view of the mountain. This mountain is near the THOI ZUM II. when you reach that point, you will witness two beautiful views simultaneously. The area is so high that you can see the clouds below your feet and the sunshine above the beautiful clouds. The rays of the Sun add to the reflecting beauty of this white snow-capped mountain. Most hunters were able to reach here and get their hunt.

Sadaat Creates

When we reached, we chose a suitable area for our tent and lit a fire near our tent to have a cup of tea. While having tea we were enjoying the full moon view over the beautiful snow-capped mountain. It was a bit cold and we stayed outside until the fire goes off and finally we decided to sleep as we were supposed to wake early. But unfortunately, we could not sleep as it was almost 3 am, so we went outside and lit the fire again, this time with a piece of soft music on our speaker. After that, we danced for a while, and it was 5 in the morning at the occupation fair. The darkness of the night had turned into the light of day. We stopped the music as it was the time to search and hunt the great MARKHOR.


We packed everything that was a sign to lose our hunt and take the gun out, along with binoculars, and started searching for MARKHOR. Holding on to nerves we were patiently waiting for the hunt. We already loaded the sniper rifle, waiting and searching.

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