Is Woman like a robot?
I would like to ponder on the dark side of a woman’s life and her existence in our society. Indeed,...
The Trouble with Islam today by Irshad Manji
Book Summary This book is one of the most insightful as well as thought-provoking, especially for all Muslims.It is pertinent...
Cultural travesty in our Society
We are still living in an era of darkness despite knowing all the ciphers around us. Culture has a few...
Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
(Don’t wait for an opportunity but to create it). Here, I would like to sum up the essence of this...
Rape. A dark side of humanity.
Here, I would like to point out one of the violent act committed by human beings. Even more importantly, highly...
Suicide. Why life is sometimes not worth living?
Suicide is one of the prevalent thing that exists in our society from centuries. Suicide refers to self-destruction in physical...
Tensions between Russia and Ukraine
Here, I want to highlight some counter-reactions between Russia and Ukraine. So, if we ponder over the main reason behind...
Climate Change Its Impact and Solutions
Climate change is the altering of the natural phenomenon by human deeds or it may be coincidentally Who is responsible...
A Cup of Tea
After being frustrated from a long disgusted day , removing the curtains of liability and ceasing the moment to have...
Polo- An introduction to the most sophisticated game.
With the evolution of humans, their way of living has also evolved. Organized sports have been a part of entertainment...
According to a research survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, more than 59% of Pakistanis watch a global sport, mostly...
Challenges for girls of Gilgit Baltistan in sports
Challenges for girl of Gilgit Baltistan in sports The modern era is talking about gender equalities at every spot of...