An Epoch! Markhor: Hunting a hunter. Part – 1
It was a moonlit night and by midnight we reached the point on the mountain where we were supposed to...
Why I choose to become a criminal lawyer.
Two things which are probably going to decide the whole discourse of life are. To whom you’re going to marry?...
A Major Policy Reversal in Pakistan’s Foreign Affairs.
During the last three days there have been some speculations pertaining to a major policy reversal in Pakistan’ foreign policy...
Summary Of The Book, Othello
Barbantio was a rich senator of Venice. He has a beautiful daughter named by Desdemona. Desdemona was in love with...
Economic Crashes in Sri Lanka
Despite being the oldest democratic state in Asia, Sri Lanka is suffering from worse conditions and coping with the massive...
According to a research survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, more than 59% of Pakistanis watch a global sport, mostly...