Discover the Multi-Billion Dollar Investments and Tourism Boom in GB, Thanks to CPEC
Written by: Asima Wali Power by: Me4Change – Foundation With the advancement of technology, the world has converted from a...
Regime-Change Business of the United States
The US intelligence agencies have a great specialization in the regime-change business since the inception of the cold war in...
The Reason behind Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Sovereignty
Russia and Ukraine are two different nations simultaneously having their own sovereignty and internationally defined territory. Ukraine, on one hand,...
The land of the highlanders “Gilgit”
The still mountains half-covered with gleaming snow, smoke pouring out of a chimney of an archaic traditional house. Some miles...
TOKHMARAZI is a festival celebrated in Yasin valley of Northern areas, the purpose of celebrating this event is to welcome...
Is life hustling and bustling? What does life mean to you?
Hustle is what humankind is supposed to do, regardless of the age, one starts hustling unconsciously in mother’s womb to...