Written by: IMRAN KHAN
Power by: Me4Change – Foundation
foreign investments including the CPEC is spending billions of dollars in GB. as lucrative tourism, industry GB is attracting millions of tourist from worldwide.

Culture is defined as, “a way of thinking, behaving, or working in a society“. A culture may be in your town or as far away as Hawaii but does our culture affect our economic development?
Yes, cultural development has a connection with economics as culture depends upon humans, their life, and their norms, and these factors have a great effect on the economy of the certain area. Gilgit Baltistan is a land of cultural diversity and has been a point of attraction for people all across the globe. Tourists from around the world and Pakistan visit to witness picturesque scenery and explore the diverse culture of this region. This had lead to great cultural, urban, and economic development.
The cons are that the tourism has greatly increased the value of GB; an area from where once people used to migrate away has become the center of attention. The increase in tourism has caused a great increase in the economy of Gilgit Baltistan and the income generated from this,is utilized by the government for the development and betterment of the area. The facilities in the area have greatly increased as a result and the life standard of a normal civilian has increased greatly.
Tourism has also caused the culture of Gilgit to be known around the world which in turn has painted a positive picture of Pakistan in the eyes of foreigners. The kind behavior of the residents and the culture has enlightened those who were blinded by their own prejudices and the rumors spread by the media. These are few of the many positive impacts it has but alas it has many negative facts as well.

One if it being how the foreign influence has been changing the culture of the area. Gradually but surely the traditional attire has started to disappear, in the same way many cultural foods and crafts have dissipated into thin air, some may argue that this isn’t true as conservation products are being launched, but the truth is that the youth nowadays will prefer more western attire rather than their usual wares, same goes with food and crafts.
Culture has become something put behind a tall glass case and satin ribbon rather then something people would proudly show off. In the same way, in order to gain profit landowners have turned what once a green heaven into a cemented graveyard. And not to mention the pollution it’s causing. The beautiful valleys have taken the form of dumpsters as the tourist that came to visit to see the beauty leave behind uncongenial gifts. The tourist spots and hotels have only added to this predicament as the rubbish and smoke, have resulted in melting glaciers and dying wildlife. I am in no way against modernizing this area but it’s true this modernization has eaten up what makes this area worth visiting. I’ll like to say the development may be a blessing or a curse but it depends how we bring it about on ourselves.