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Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche 

Nietzsche was the child of Darwin and the brother of Bismarck.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Let’s start constructing some views on a man who was called mad. People often said that Neitzche couldn’t change his life with his awkward ideas, how could he changes our lives. A baby was named after the name of the prince, Friedrich Nietzsche born on 15 October 1844 in Prussia . He was an extraordinary student and outperformer in every subject of his grade. He was the youngest of men to be appointed as a professor at the age of 25. His earlier interests were literature, philology, and history. He was greatly influenced by the writings of Schopenhauer.

Today Friedrich Nietzsche is determined by his quotes like “God is dead , we have killed him” , and “What doesn’t killed me made me stronger”. A man who recognized something the ultimate guide to all by himself , contradictory to every belief any of philosopher and prophet has taught. He scornfully admitted the western Ideas to be threatening to the culture of Europe, he thus hated democracy. 

Friedrich Nietzsche

There are two kinds of people in a society, one the Genius (genius and hidden genius) the others are herd mentality people.  This world continues to exist because of some extraordinary people who had inspired and motivativated souls to perform something much bigger than the approach of normal human beings. The genius people were Socrates, Buddha, Einstein, Muhhamad (PBUH) , Newton, and many others. The hidden geniuses are doctors, engineers, Bearucrats, and other, the hidden genius people have some input to the society but they are not recognized at a larger level.Their input and recognition both are subtle. The other group is of herd mentality people.

 This group includes of two kinds one The Last man ( they are the least motivated people, they can’t leave their comfort zones, and they can’t take risks, the other kind of people are slaves( they are the losers, the lost people, and they are the most envious people of all). This herd mentality group of people have created a philosophy for themselves, a downtrodden virtues world which they force other people to believe in. They are the detrimental and the most dangerous facet of society. They never let a genius to grow into a genius, that’s why it is important for a genius to create a higher moral ground for himself.

In addition to this, Nietzsche has drawn few principles of life.

  • Prohibit alcohol consumption.
  • Envy is supreme. Neitzche urges to become envious of a person whom you would like to become. Because envy gives the motivation , and pushes us towards our higher being. But, remember don’t use your envy to give motivation to your negative thoughts and don’t harm someone with that. 
  • Don’t be a Christian Nietzsche was a nihilist, he opposed Christianity when it was at its apex in the 19th century. He was an antichrist. He blamed religion because it emphasizes on forgiveness rather on taking revenge, it emphasizes on the rights of a neighbor rather on not thinking about the human who lives a thousand miles away , it emphasizes on doing good to other rather than strengthening yourself. He openly detested the teachings of Christianity, and declared that ” God is dead, we have killed him”. Due to his contradictions with christenity, he was unemployed throughout out his life except for few years in the mids of his 20s.  
Friedrich Nietzsche:

The superhuman (UBERMENSCH)

Neitzche believed in aristocracy the best form of government. Nietzsche was against of socialism because it teaches oneness, sameness, and equality. The strongest and the fittest survives. It is against the nature evolution to consider everyone equal and same. To be a superhuman you have to be a baby again , you have to create virtues for yourself because this world is beyond good and evil, you have to question your every belief and live dangerously. Superhuman would be the one to reign this world and to live for eternity. 

The realistic approaches of Nietzsche were not appreciated on ground levels but in international policies, the ideals of Nietzsche were accepted without any hesitation.

It is said that one day on a way to somewhere Nietzche saw a master to beat his horse till death. Neitzche went near to the bleeding horse and said ” I know how you feel, they will never understand you. He was broken after the tragic accident of the horse. His nervous breakdown after the tragic horse accident led him to live a life in misery. He hated his family, he spent most of his life in solitude in the swiss alps. His philosophy was widely read by the greatest men of the 20th century including Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and others. 

In a nutshell, if you are an organized person you can’t think in amazingly awkward ways. Nietzsche was one of the greatest minds on this earth. He usually said that I am in shackles like you, you don’t have the keys of my shackle’s lock,so you can’t unlock me, but I do have the keys of your shackle’s lock , you can take it to liberate yourself. So the people blaming Neitzche about his miserable life that was his reply. Nietzche proposed a girl three times but was rejected, and he died in a desperate condition in an early age of 55 years.

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