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Imported Sectarianism in GB: A Threat to Paradise
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Imported Sectarianism in GB: A Threat to Paradise 

Gilgit-Baltistan is home to mighty mountains,glaciers,beautiful valleys comprising of area more than 72 thousand sq.Km.The region is located at most important geostrategic location: connected to China,India,Afghanistan and central Asia via Wakhan Corridor.Historically, it was its strategic location which attracted players of the Great Game.

Historically,the region has remained greatly isolated, thanks  to its mountanious terrain.It was only  connected to sub continent through the mountainious route of Kashmir.Therefore,the local kings remained aloof from political developments happening in Sub Continent,let alone the common public.The region was ruled by Dogras; which got liberation  in 1 November 1947,when some  officers of Gilgit Scouts orchestrated a secret plan to rebell against the Dogra rule.

Throighout its history,The indiginious community of Gilgit Baltistan  was well known for  peace,harmony,pluralism and co-existence.Though diversified in many aspects ;languages and religious affiliations,they were united around thier culture and economic deprivation.The society was aloof from biasness on sectarian grounds,which is evident from the legacy  inter-sect marriages.

Karakuram Highway,built by mutual cooperation of China and Pakistan, connected Gilgit-Baltistan to rest of Pakistan,in late 1970s.No doubt,the Highway proved to be game changer for the economy of the region; markets got more connected,supply cost reduced leading  to the development of every sector.The area prone to food insecurity begun to buy wheat from Punjab,human capital improved,modernization paved the  way for poverty declining.

However,the connectivity through KKH also brought elephant to room;the menance of Sectarianism.

The youth migrated to various parts of Pakistan for studying religious education brought home the ideological battle of Middle East rivals; Saudi Arabia & Iran.The once pluralistic society witnessed the battle of Sectarianism from late 1980s to early 2010s.The days of 1988,witnessed the slaghter of hundreds of Gilgitis in the hands of thier own Gilgitis just because of differing  religious affiliations.The land no more remained the land of peace.The radicalization of youth surged in unprecedented high rate,with each day witnessing loss of lives in the name of Sectarianism.

It proved Havoc for the development of Gilgit Baltistan;tourism halted,businesses Confidence rusted and security challenged access to  education and health.

The doomed days begun to vanish in early 2010s,when religious clergies exchanged visits to each others mosques paving the way for sectarian harmony.The once eluded peace resurfaced,thanks to the CPEC and special scrutiny of the state.Since then, Sectarianism has  dwindled but it has potential of “flash point” at any time given the memories and history of last 30 years.

For the prosperous future of GB,It is very important to spread the voice of love and harmony in the times of peace.All the stakeholders specially youth should play thier role to educate people about the menance of Sectarianism.It is the responsibility of the indiginious people to protect themselves from exploitation in the name of religion.Morever,The clergies should play thier constructive role in bringing people together.More importantly,Digital platforms should be used to spread love and to discourge hate against any sect.


Imported Sectarianism in GB: A Threat to Paradise

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