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Is Pakistan Safe for Tourists?
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Is Pakistan Safe for Tourists? 

Photo © Getty Images/Shehzaad Maroof

Is Pakistan safe for tourists?

A country’s soft image is quite imperative in the long run for its economic performance. From attracting foreign investments to building a country’s worth in the modern world is revolving around the good image of the country. Mostly Europe and the United States are making billions of dollars from their tourism industry. Pakistan is a country of huge historical sites, and here also resides all the natural tourist spots ( including mountains, glaciers, lakes, and meadows). However, we are making a few dollars from our tourism industry because people are afraid to come to this country. Today’s world works on capital, but capital only increases through foreign investments. Everyone is quite at ease to invest in the west but not in the developing countries because they don’t feel secure with their money and energies.

Let’s discuss some of the basic ways to turn our country from a country of terrorism to a country of tourism.

The image of a country is defined as a total of the descriptive and informational beliefs about a particular nation.

 Let’s discuss the image of a Pakistan from the world’s point of view.

  • Pakistan is considered a country unsafe because of the recent militant activities.
  • After 9/11 Pakistan was considered a country nurturing terrorists.
  • Pakistan is considered a conservative country because of few rigid and rigorous religious people. 
  • Pakistan was not considered safe for traveling due to some unfortunate deaths of foreigners.
  • Poor infrastructure, not easy access to travel around the country, and deteriorated hotel facilities are the main causes of the failure of an economic boom in the tourism sector.
Rosie Gabrielle

The remedy to the torn image of the country.

1:Law and order.

Law and order in a country is necessary to feel secure about the country.

Furthermore, Pakistan has lost more than 75000 people in what we call a proxy war of America. 

Pakistan has lost billions of dollars in fighting terrorists and rebuilding the devastated part of the country. 

After a huge sacrifice, Pakistan is now holding the peace. The successful military operations ( Zarb e azb/rad ul fasad) by Pak-army and Para-military forces have gained us our peace back. 

2: Sports and recreational activities.

Pakistan has produced some of the finest sportsmen in various sports. 

i.e in hockey, mountaineering, squash, cricket and etc.

Sports and all other recreational activities give a varnished image of a nation to the whole world.

3. Infrastructure.

To give a boom to the tourist industry our government and private investors have to build roads, parks, hotels, beaches, and other tourism-related facilities.

4: Censoring the media.

The Pakistani media is always keen to show some of the worst news highlighting them all the time and giving a bad perception to the world about Pakistan. The government has to censor the negative news. 

5: Bloggers. 

To add on, the then PM Imran Khan met some of the foreign and local bloggers and urged them to travel through the country and to pinpoint that Pakistan is safe for tourists and also for foreign investors.

It is our responsibility to break the ice and show the world that Pakistan is safe for everyone. In a nutshell, we have to build our soft image to show the world that we are also human beings and we have also the same feelings that you all have. 

We have to come out of the conservatism which is a great hurdle to the prosperity of our country.

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