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Is Woman like a robot?
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Is Woman like a robot? 

I would like to ponder on the dark side of a woman’s life and her existence in our society. Indeed, a woman is born free but still somewhere in chains that are too firm to break absolutely.vHistory reveals that man had made females dependent and lazy. At early ages, women were specified to stay at home in order to look after their children while men were supposed to hunt and entail food for their families. With the span of time this act became a tradition and eventually has taken shape of stereotype. And it was considered as a law that was conferred by nature.It seems clear a man is dominant by entailing all the basic requisites of women, especially pertaining to economical stuff.While a woman is obliged to cook, wash, and as well as to sustain the cleanliness of a house .

picture credit  Rafael Matigulin

It would be an injustice if I will not enumerate the social matters that affect women at a large scale.Obiviously, a bourgeois woman performs three major functions:wife, mother and entertainer.It does not matter how respected or well known the woman’s family might be ,while these roles lead to incompleteness and frustration.As you know that,after the birth of a girl, at each stage of her upbringing, a girl is conditioned into accepting passivity, dependence and inwardness.It is a mind blowing fact that, our tradition compels woman to accept life of housework , childbearing and sexual slavishness.It is a thought-provoking tragedy that Michael Hart’s hundred influential figures,there were only a few women,  why? I deem to say that, estrangement and exploitation happened with women since the beginning of homo sapiens.So, it is proven from history that patriarchal mind has pushed backward women vigorously.It is prevalent in our society to scold a girl, when she acts such a ridiculous thing .Similarly, at the same situation we are supposed to encourage a boy.

In response to these kinds of well established narratives, 

 Simone De Beauvoir had written her masterpiece “The Second Sex” which is based on feminism. Although some of her beliefs are controversial as well as stunning. She has mentioned that, giving birth and providing gratification to men is not the aim of womens’ life .It is indispensable to mention that,she is criticising a society, culture and to some extent environment that makes a woman passive and dependent.One of the mind-blowing lines uttered by Simone De Beauvoir is  that,  “one is not born a woman, but becomes one”. Addition to it, men fundamentally oppress women by characterizing them on every level.Even though, he creates ,acts, invents; while she waits for him to save her.She has enumerated the trauma of old age.When a woman loses her reproductive capacity,she loses her primary objective as well as her identity.

We should know about law and justice as well as their drawbacks. Now, I would like to ponder on inheritance law where a woman is also bound to get half property as compared to a man. Similarly, if a woman wants to divorce then she will not give divorce to her husband without his consent while a man is entitled to divorce a woman without her consent. Indeed, some customary laws which permit the victim to marry with convict’s sister in order to maintain peace. Why do women suffer only?  One of the curseworthy cultures that is escalating day by day in our society is known by honor culture. According to research Pakistan is one of the top contributors to  honor killing across the world. While taking the lives of women on the name of self created honor culture.After committing murder these mindless people feel satisfaction and proud. There are some  well established customs and traditions that promote early marriages in our society.Addition to it, early marriages are possible through guardianship that could be detrimental to a woman in  future. Early marriages are preferred over education by the society.

There are some philosophies those promote women empowerment for instance existentialism, individualism and to some extent feminism.Firstly, feminism demands for equality of a woman in a society. Secondly, existentialism believes in liberty and freedom of individual.As far as individualism is  concerned it promotes freedom of thought, respect for individual and equality. All of these ideologies implicitly emphasize about the identity and worth of an individual in a state .

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Education is the utmost indispensable element to establish a peaceful as well as prosperous environment.It has been mentioned in convention of all forms of discrimination against women that equal rights should be provided in education.It is worth mentioning that article 37 of the constitution of Pakistan has enumerated that woman’s education is the fundamental right of every female citizen.On the other hand,gender discrimination still exists in the educational sector.According to an estimate, about 13 million girls in Pakistan are out of school.In addition to it, only 68% of girls aged 15-23 years can read and write,compared to 83% of boys at the same age. Why is there so much disparity in the domain of girls education in Pakistan?It  is because of cultural taboos and barriers.There are myriad causes which discriminate women in access to education.Firstly, we have confined our honor in women and they will define our honor in our society which has the sick mentality. Even though, some people are used to  misogyny.So, this thought evokes man to give preference to  boys over girls especially in education.It would be injustice, if I will not mention some thought provoking causes.Hence,take an example of  early marriages culture which deprived female education to some extent.In addition to it, feudal cultural values are rooted in patriarchal control .The worst is yet to come if we will still stuck with these stereotypes.

To conclude it in a succinct way,  I was stunned by one of the accidents I came to know in Afghanistan was that, a foreign journalist inquired from a young man regarding the treatment of Afghan women.An astonishing response from a young man was that,”women are only half of men” and it is written in the Quran.So,how a woman can get higher positions in our society?  I deem  to say that firstly a woman should understand the concept of identity’s significance. Furthermore, a woman can achieve liberty and autonomy by adopting the notion of economical roots.Infact, we need a complete paradigm shift in our society.It might be prolific for a woman to achieve her identity,liberty and self satisfaction.

It is a well established narrative that a woman is inferior in our blameworthy social structure.On the other hand,  when we contemplate on biology, psychoanalysis and historical materialism so, these disciples reveal no such kind of justification for woman’s inferiority.Even though, we have left inferiority in their destiny .So,being a rationalist I never ever agree with this claim .

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