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Suicide. Why life is sometimes not worth living?

Suicide. Why life is sometimes not worth living? 

Suicide is one of the prevalent thing that exists in our society from centuries. Suicide refers to self-destruction in physical form to some extent. Even more importantly, suicide becomes an international as well as a national issue . Above all, suicide has manifolds which are opted by an individual.

According to research, the process which is adopted by an individuals is differs by their gender. For instance, male has gone through lethal ways in contrast to female. The main reason behind this is that male has easily access to different kinds of devices and as well as possess the expertise of the usage.

Above all, the whole globe is revolving around two things at basic level which are causes and effects. So , I would like to keep an eye on the causes and effects profoundly . Addition to that, behind the suicide there are innumerable reasons . Although , I would like to highlight the main causes rather than other ones .

In human life mental health is very compulsory for peaceful life. Firstly , psychological factor is the main reason behind suicide . For example, if the cognitive and emotional state of a person would be collapsed , it can lead to suicide . Add on , an individual thinking and decision making ability comes to end . Then , that person is more prone to suicide. Furthermore ,when a person losses his recognition and becomes aimless then he moves towards the first step of suicide.

One of the tragedy is that an individual thinks that there is no more objectives and options for him or her to survive. Above all, an individual thinks that everything is closed and now the solution only left behind is the suicide to get rid from this superficial life.

Now, I move toward the other factors which contribute to suicide. Nowadays, we are living in a capitalist society so, everyone needs capital to survive and fulfill their own requisites . Although , economical factor plays a vital role to push suicide to its accomplishment .

Above all , an individuals go through heinous acts to sustain their own existence in a society. Moreover, inflation also plays a vital role in suicide because in our country 50 percent of the population lives under the poverty line.

Furthermore, one of the main reason which push a person towards suicide is great expectations . For instance, family has myriad expectations from their own children and some parents want to fulfill their own desires and wishes through their own children .

Moreover, an individual has no more identity and aim for which he/she is born, but he/she spends his or her own life to fulfill their parental wishes . Eventually, an individual will be prey of depression and anxiety which is the first step towards suicide.

Addition to that , many suicides emerge on the basis of honor and integrity . For instance, if a person is blackmailed and bullied by other on the basis of character then that person has not any other option. Above all, social evils are increasing day by day in which rape cases , sexual harassment, and cyber crimes to some extent play a crucial role.

Unfortunately , there is no prompt remedy exists in our society for these kind of immoral things . For instance , if there is an adultery case then authority demands for 04 witnesses otherwise they charge adultery upon you despite of giving justice . Unfortunately , in our society the authority has imposed Hadd upon them without any authentic evidence . As a result such worst judicial system gives birth to suicide.

Even more importantly , we are design for society but not society for us unfortunately. We are engaged to make people happy and satisfy while on the other hand we are killing our own identity , wishes , aims and to some extent individualism philosophy .One of the main reason behind suicide is physical base relationship among boys and girls nowadays which are rising day by day .

Moreover, when that relationship would be collapsed then a person loss his consciousness and promptly commit suicide without any thinking.Furthermore, one of the trending fashion nowadays is to live in a physical base relationship and I have observed many boys and girls are confine in a circle and always busy with relationship matters.Eventually, when relationship comes to end then a person commit suicide due to emotional and physical attachment .

Hence ,a person should have guts to cope with obstacles and come up with solution.One of the main reason behind suicide is to alienate someone by the society . Although, living in a solitude during disillusionment time then automatically negative thoughts emerge which make basis for suicide eventually .

According to research approximately 8 lac people commit suicide per year around the globe . Mostly , 15 to 25 year old people are prone to suicide more in proportion than other ages.


Now , I will look over the effects of suicide on the society as well as individual’s life. In Islam suicide is not appreciated due to the one main reason which is the doctrine of Divine authority. Islam has openly prohibited suicide and it is haram .

Despite this, as a result of suicide the family structure of a society is totally disturb to some extent . Above all, it is consider as a shameful act in our society and it becomes abusive word due to its harsh consequences . Nowadays , the suicide rate is increasing day by day hence parents have some kind of fear to avoid scolding their children. Above all, due to suicide blood ties are more affected to some extent .

How blood ties are affected?

It is obvious that only parents and relatives have firm feelings for their descendants . Addition to that, we should come up with solutions rather than only raising issues . Hence, there should be seminars, sessions, private organizations and as well as non private organizations to eradicate the suicide .

When suicide’s symptoms will be depict in someone then we should give company otherwise they will cross the the levels of suicide. Above all, it is our responsibility to overcome this issue and create a peaceful environment .

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