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Tensions between Russia and Ukraine

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine 

Here, I want to highlight some counter-reactions between Russia and Ukraine. So, if we ponder over the main reason behind the conflict which is escalating day by day. Hence, Russia has few demands to hinder invasion over Ukraine. So, the demands are following which are rising from Russia.

Firstly, U.S should stop to the  expansion of NATO furthermore especially in Ukraine. Second one is to retreat its troops which are deploying near Russia border and last one is that Ukraine should not be part the of NATO. Addition to that, Russia has apprehensions in near future due to the membership could be given to Ukraine. Above all, Vladimir Putin is absolutely crazy about this deployments and arises for the nuclear invasions. On the other hand , Germany is still neutral in this tension due to the dependent on Russia regarding gas supply. Moreover, nearly 32% source of gas for Germany is provided by Russia.

Furthermore, Russia has deployed approximately 6000 troops and 60 fighter jets part of drill near three eastern part of Ukraine. On the other hand, France, the UK, Spain, and  Denmark have commenced sending military arsenals towards  Ukraine . During the cold war India was the ally of Russia, so what would be the reaction of India in the coming time. While India has better relations with U.S also. By adding that, China has given favor to the Russia regarding to security protection would be given to Russia.

Unfortunately, Biden threatens Putin with sanctions could be imposed on Russia. For instance, Russia could not be able to trade in dollars and cut off from swift financial system. In contrast, Russia could ban on the EU officials to inter in the Russia and Russia call sanctions a reciprocal penalty .

Moreover , Putin repeats security demands to west and retreat its troops. Although , France, Germany, Turkey, Austria, and Central Asian countries could be damaged due to this clash in a near future. Above all, Ukraine wants to stop this chaos and panic. Ukraine is engage in training to the children regarding to the war how to tackle the things which are the part of war.

Moreover, both countries have arsenals at their border to response at the time of clash between them. Furthermore, could it gives shape to the third world war or not, if the war could occur then the entire world would be destroy forever. So , it is utmost important to create a peaceful environment between them by any convention . Hence, it is a international issue not national so UN should conceive over it deeply to come up with good solution. Otherwise, this tension is threat to the entire globe.

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