The still mountains half-covered with gleaming snow, smoke pouring out of a chimney of an archaic traditional house. Some miles away a person is digging in the fields, but the sound of the digging is just as clear as a lucrative speech on a mike in an auditorium.
It’s the time for the sun to rest behind the high mountains. The winds are blowing accompanying with themselves the scent of the noval spring flowers. The winds touches the souls, leaving behind a serenity that is perpetual.
The trees of the winters have long ago regenerated new green leaves, and the chirping of the birds make it a heaven under the skies. A bee hovering here and there making a buzzing sound , and at a distance of few centimeters the ant is striving hard to make its way through the fallen leaves.
Moreover, sitting in this place anyone can spend their whole life. The soundless speeches of the mountains, the blue skies with some mingling of the clouds, the whirling trees with flowers on them , all the rhythmic sounds of the birds,and the insects, make it a place not a part of the heaven , but a heaven itself. It’s the land of the highlanders it’s “Gilgit“.

Sometimes, I suspect why the father of nation has chosen to live in Quetta rather than living in Gilgit Baltistan.The amazing thing about Gilgit Baltistan is that it is home to 18 out of world top 50 highest peaks, and three out of world seven longest glaciers are located in Gilgit Baltistan.
Giving a shelter to the highest polo ground of the world the “SHANDOOR” and it is also a home to the 8th wonder of the world the Karakorum highway.
In between the two business hubs of the world the middle east, and the emerging superpower China there Gilgit Baltistan has gained the status quo to be a business hub in the next few years. Now, it’s gaining a momentum in connecting the central Asian countries i.e. Tajikistan and Kazakhstan to the mainstream of Pakistan through the terrains of Yasin, and via Afghanistan.
In a nutshell, Gilgit is where resides few people, sky high mountains, fresh water, and air, clear blue skies, a business hub of the future, the best tourist attraction of the world, many languages and many foods contributing to many cultures, simple people and their plain thoughts ,all these , and accompanied by heartily hospitality which is a mark of superiority. My land “Gilgit” is the land of the Highlanders.