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Rape. A dark side of humanity.

Rape. A dark side of humanity. 

Stop sexual violence

Here, I would like to point out one of the violent act committed by human beings. Even more importantly, highly educated people have not competency to comprehend this evil.

One of the tragedy is that this act doesn’t exist in animals, but human beings have adopted it while having supreme intellect. Now, I  will move towards my main topic which is rape. If somebody ponder on it from outside it looks simple, but in fact, it entangles many ambiguities. Above all, rape is one of the damnable act.

Rape is considered as a sexual violence usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual acts carried out against someone without that person’s consent. This act may be carried out by physical force, abuse of authority, and against such person who is unconscious and deprived of mental disability.

According to Asma Jahangir, up to 72% of women in the custody of Pakistan are physically abused. Addition to that, according to WAR, approximately 82% of rapists are family members including fathers, brothers, grandfathers, and uncles of the victim.

According to research, in Pakistan, at least 11 cases of rape are reported on a daily basis. Moreover, it is a criminal offense in our society. So, punishment for rape in our country is either the death penalty or imprisonment for 10-25 years. If a rape is the type of gang hence punishment is either death penalty or life imprisonment.

As far as, rape cases are increasing day by day, according to research in Pakistan, a rape is reported once in every two hours and gang rape in every hour. Another tragedy is that 70-90% women are suffering with some kind of domestic violence.

According to Islamic law there is death sentence for rapist and not any other kind of option. Everyone knows that everything possess causes and as well as effects. Firstly,I would like to ponder on it causes .

It is not good news for us that in our society few number of people know about the definition of feminism and liberalism.Our people have been brain washed that these ideologies are related to West, without any kind of research and depth analysis. Unfortunately, our people tend to accept rumors and fraudulent based things easily, because their creativity has been destroyed by the school modeling system.

Stop sexual violence

Suppose,if you have a full glass of water, but the main point is that whether this water is dirty or not. Unfortunately, glass is full of filthy water which depicts that there is no more capacity to refine that water.

Hence same situation exists in our society. One of the main reason behind rape is the power supremacy and patriarchy which is especially used by elite class against downtrodden people as a fashion and boldness. We are living in male’s dominant society in which women are imagine as a object not human beings. Sometimes, rape happens due to misogyny which exists in humans’ instinct.

For instance, some people having hatred for women without any firm cause . Above all, we people are often too proud to rape someone for the purpose of revenge and any kind of personal animosity.As a result, our society has been pushed towards chaos overtly.

I’m not emphasizing that rape is only cling to our society, but in west especially in U.K abundantly rape cases are reported. But, the causes are different from our society.

In west rape cases are reported due to alcohol consumption and gang violence. Unfortunately, our conservative mind is already prepared to rape somebody by some superfluous causes for instance, most people this mindset that women should do whatever we demand, and always listen to us.

Furthermore, we will reveal our savage acts and filthy psyches by committing horrendous acts.It may sound worst that often people use religion as a tool toward rape in which they point out flaws related to get up.We can say that, our people have designed artificial moral codes which have not any kind of relevance with the basic meaning of ethics .

Another dilemma is that rape would come to end by segregation which is the worst solution at all. Because many rape cases have been reported from the close relatives. We are living in 21ist century but our psyche is still uncivilized.

For instance, some people rape only for their self-satisfaction and it is use as a fashion . Above all, many people are prone to it due to masochism, sadism, and to some extent narcissism.In fact, these all thoughts emerge from the usage of social media in worst ways . Indeed, Pakistan ranks at the top in watching online porn.

Now,I will ponder on the effects of the rape profoundly.In our society there are alot of moral codes as well as cultural codes.For instance, the victim person is not able to live in a society after being raped . Although, due to artificially design things the victim would fell prey to anxiety, and they eventually induced toward suicide.

It may sound worst that family structure would ruin to some extent .In addition to that, sometimes victim adopts the wrong company in order to get revenge . Eventually,  chaos and terrorism would emerge in a society . One of the worst act is that mostly rape cases are reported of minors which is beyond thinking of human mind .

Now, I would like to move toward some solutions which will be prolific to sort out this cursed act. Firstly, the gender gap should be eradicated, and secondly, even more importantly, sex education should be taught at school level. Above all awareness should be disseminated in society by organizations and seminars.

Lastly, everyone should know about human rights. In conclusion, everyone should contemplate about this dreadful act. Nowadays, unfortunately after rape, the rapists mutilate the victim’s body beyond recognition.At last, rape is not a national or domestic issue but it is a global issue.

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  1. Aziz ali khan

    I like the solution… seminar and education about the bloody thing should be there for youngster’s.

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